Category Archives: Services Periodontics

Dental Hygiene

Dental hygiene: take care of the health of your mouth

The cleaning carried out by our professionals has a minimum duration of 40-50 minutes and includes, in addition to in-depth hygiene, a general review and an explanation of the healthy routines you should follow at home.

What is a professional mouth cleaning for?

Professional dental cleaning or prophylaxis is a treatment that helps maintain good health of our mouth. Its importance lies in that during daily hygiene we can not eliminate all the remains of food that tend to accumulate in less accessible areas for the brush, such as molars or interdental spaces.

Consequences of lack of hygiene

Insufficient oral hygiene causes the accumulation of bacterial plaque in the mouth, which is the prelude to caries and periodontal diseases (gingivitis and periodontitis):


It is a lesion that damages the dental enamel and that, in case of not treating it by means of a filling, it ends up affecting the internal structures of the tooth: dentine and nerve.


It is the most moderate version of periodontal disease and causes inflammation, redness and bleeding of the gum . It is cured with professional hygiene.


It is the most aggressive version of periodontal disease and involves a progressive destruction of the tissues that support the tooth. If left untreated, the tooth falls out .

Treatment steps

  1. General review

In each hygiene, the whole mouth is revised in order to prevent and detect certain diseases or asymptomatic problems.

  1. Ultrasound

Using a small tip that vibrates and pressurized water we remove the accumulated scale, focusing especially on the areas that the patient finds it difficult to access with the brush.

  1. Brushing with special paste and aeropulidor

We passed a brush with the prophylaxis paste and the bicarbonate aeropulidor to remove superficial stains that could have remained attached to the tooth (coffee, tobacco, tea …) and recover its natural white.

  1. Dental floss

We will slide the silk between tooth and tooth without applying force. If the patient needs it and there is enough space between their teeth, we will also pass an interproximal brush of the proper caliber.

  1. Interproximal strips

With the interproximal strips we eliminate the stains between tooth and tooththat could not be removed in the previous procedure. In this way, we will give the tooth the final shine.

  1. Hygiene techniques

We show the technique of brushing with both manual and electric brush. In addition, you can consult all your questions about what brush, toothpaste or rinse is most suitable for you.

  1. Fluorization

With fluoride not only will we leave a pleasant taste in the mouth, but we will also increase the resistance of the enamel of the teeth. In this way, you will be more protected against the action of bacteria and, therefore, have less chance of developing caries.

Treatment of Periodontitis

The dentist is the professional who has the training to diagnose and treat gum problems, as well as to advise on preventive measures that help keep it in optimal health conditions, and can also deal with the reconstruction of tissues lost as a result of the disease.

Sometimes, the dentist or the patient can request the collaboration of a periodontist to treat more complex and advanced cases.

Its treatment is based on three pillars:

  • The basic phase of gum treatment includes scaling and root planing (manual cleaning below the gums) along with instruction in specific hygiene instructions and compliance.
  • In certain cases, it is necessary to go to a second phase of treatment in which small surgeries of the gums are necessary to correct the defects that may have left the disease.
  • Finally, it is essential to follow a maintenance or follow-up program to prevent or control the possible occurrence of relapses, even more if the presence of risk factors mentioned above persists.

In recent years, it has become clear that periodontics does not work in isolation to treat oral problems and that, increasingly, it is related to other areas of medicine, as well as to pharmaceutical work, since the relationship of health has been demonstrated oral health with general health.

Ten tips to prevent the onset of periodontitis

The health of our teeth and gums can condition our lives, almost without giving us almost account. From very small we should know their importance and take care of them daily so that they last us as long as possible in optimal conditions, because this translates into a better quality of life.

Wash your teeth every day.

You must acquire the habit of brushing your teeth every day; do it for two minutes and at least twice a day, paying special attention to the brushing of the night, which you should never forget. And try to get your children to adopt this habit too.

Beyond the brush.

In addition to daily brushing, it is advisable to use floss or some other interdental cleaning method, because only with brushing can you reach all the corners of your mouth. Brush your tongue every day, too, because bacteria are retained on its surface. Reinforce the cleaning with the rinse.

Supplement the cleaning with a mouthwash if necessary and always following the recommendations of your dentist.

Avoid certain foods …

Foods high in sugar, including soft drinks with gas, do not help oral health. The bacteria that inhabit the mouth transform the sugars into acids and these, in turn, attack the tooth enamel and cause the appearance of caries and other oral diseases.

And bet on others.

Eating can also help improve your oral health. We could say that some of the healthiest foods for your mouth are some fruits (blueberries, kiwi, grapes) and all those foods rich in omega 3 unsaturated fats, such as blue fish (salmon, mackerel) and nuts (nuts). Also, drinks like green tea, for its antioxidant properties.

Do not peck between hours.

Do not peck between meals is healthy for your health, in general, and also for your oral health and even more so if after eating something you can not brush your teeth. In particular, avoid especially sweets, pastries, industrial juices and snacks, for their cariogenic potential. In any case, you can take natural fruit, such as apple, or a dairy.

Take care if you are pregnant.

If you find yourself pregnant or plan to be pregnant, make an appointment with your dentist, because during these months the changes that your body will experience can also affect your mouth and cause certain problems.

Maximum caution against certain diseases.

Watch especially your oral health or if you are a diabetic person or suffer from cardiovascular disease. Scientific studies have shown the direct relationship between these two pathologies and periodontal problems.

Pay more attention if you have a genetic predisposition.

In some cases, dental problems have a hereditary component. If this is your case, you should pay special attention to your teeth to prevent any problem from an early age and act quickly and appropriately.

Banish the fear of going to the dentist.

Prevention is the most effective measure against periodontitis. Thus, perform regular check-ups and follow good cleaning habits and oral care from children, will help us keep our teeth healthy and healthy for longer.